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Review: 'Jason Sees Band'
'Make You Smile'   

-  Genre: 'Indie' -  Release Date: '20th December 2019'

Our Rating:
Perhaps more than any other time of year, Christmas is a difficult time for many, and for a number, too difficult.

Increasingly, everyone knows someone, directly or indirectly, and the email submission for this new single release is explicit and presents some staggering and gloomy statistics:

‘1.4 million Americans attempted to suicide in 2019. Almost 50,000 succeeded.
Unfortunately, these statistics hit home for Jason Sees Band on a personal level this year. As a result, Jason retreated to his personal studio once again to emerge with another indie release that offers solace and hope for the challenges of the human condition’.

‘Anything to make you smile / see you enjoy your life just a while’, he sings at the start of this tune that starts sparse and ponderous an bursts into full-spectrum colour in the choruses. But the sentiment certainly isn’t a ‘cheer up, it might never happen’ or ‘turn our frown upside-down’ platitude, but the anguish of someone desperate to break the cycle of a loved one’s suffering.

The chorus refrain brings some tough love: ‘nothing worth fighting for is free…you’re gonna have to go to war / with the darkness of your mind,’ and it brings with it the reality of the struggles people with low mood and other mental health issues face on a daily basis. Those wars can only be won with the right support and a lot of patience and understanding. If that support comes from the simple place of wanting to make someone you care about smile, then, it’s still all good. Talking – and singing – about it helps, too.

  author: Christopher Nosnibor

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