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Review: 'Mycelia'

-  Album: 'Nova'
-  Genre: 'Heavy Metal' -  Release Date: '15th July 2013'

Our Rating:
Bonecrunching metal played at breakneck pace is what we’re promised. Yes, it has the technical elements of Meshuggah, but some of the stuff on here owes as much to the D-beat brigade and the guttural vocals are enough to shake even the sturdiest colon. ‘Ectoparasite’ is taut, claustrophobic and suffocatingly dense, and Mycelia prove early on they can be impressive.

‘C.O.R.P.’ gets a bit overblown, but there’s worse to come on the Pendulum-esque ‘The Timemasheen’, of which the less said the better. There are a number of times when the displays of musical virtuosity are at the expense of any sense of tune, direction or listening pleasure: ‘The Golden Ratio: Interlude’ is undeniably a remarkable example of technical accomplishment but it’s also some of the most turgid, indulgent jizzery-pokery you’re likely to ever hear committed on a fretboard.

Doubtless some will love the band for this very reason, but for my money, Mycela are at their best when bringing the riffs and the howling vocals, as on the piledriving closer, ‘The Golden Ratio: Epilogue’.

There might be a half-decent metal album in here, but it’s largely buried beneath all the tossing about that sounds like some flash cunts jamming. Mycelia are unlikely to go super-Nova with this one.

Mycelia Online
  author: Christopher Nosnibor

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Mycelia - Nova