Heavy eastern vibes hang in the air before noodling synths bubble up though the haze on the album’s opener, ‘The Belly of Being’, paving the way for what can only be described as an epic progressive musical journey with pan-cultural influences woven into every inch of its multifaceted fabric. Ok, so it not the only description a hand, but finding a more succinct description that fits would certainly be a challenge.
In places, it’s horrifically indulgent and adopts the stylings of the worst aspects of 70s prog. There are some colossal solos and immense meandering instrumental breaks and the long shadow of Pink Floy and Yes are hard to step out of.
But then there are some – many – genuinely magnificent moments. Closer ‘A Drop of Me’ flips from an expansive, motive contemporary progressive verse that sits with the best of Oceansize and their ilk, to a truly killer chorus.
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