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Review: 'Slim Cessna's Auto Club'
'Kinnery Of Lupercalia Buell legion'   

-  Label: 'SCACUNINCORPORATED/Glitterhouse Records'
-  Genre: 'Blues' -  Release Date: '31.5.24.'

Our Rating:
It's been about 20 years since I was first told that Slim Cessna's Auto Club were an unmissable band I ought to be into, somehow it's taken till 32 years into the bands career for me to finally hear an entire album. There latest Kinnery Of Lupercalia Buell Legion is apparently part of a trilogy about the Buell's who are apparently a tribe descended from Petr & The Wulf. The Denver based bands current line-up is Slim Cessna, Munly Munly, Lord Dwight Pentacost, Rebecca Vera, George Cessna and Andrew Warner.

The album opens with the rueful country blues of Boucher they claim they would be good leaders, making the world a better place, the pace picks up, backing choir comes in, it becomes clear how wonderfully upbeat a look at the darkness surrounding us this album promises to be.

Cesare opens with a sermon before the music goes a little wild driving blues, looking for a little salvation before judgement day. The sermon becomes a conversation the darkness is less overwhelming as they find the heart to carry on.

Easter is a bluegrass flavoured Easter hymn perfect for a country hoe-down worried about all the feet washing and repentance needed, they just wanna keep on sinning.

Harris is about a young rabbit breeder, observing what he learnt from watching the rabbits, this drives on trying to avoid falling down a rabbit hole of Dirty Three style skewered blues, will they find out who is king of the rabbits.

Ichnabod is looking for signs of science, the correct answers, the guitars rage in the undertow of the stop start barrelling bluegrass blues chorale.

Lessing is searching for the sort of miracles Doris promised, amidst the slow quiet plucked interludes, this builds and roars, you get deeper into the stories they are weaving.

Munly Munly has written his own tribute song, who better to get to his essence, the imperious sound of his own trials and tribulations laid bare, he's worried he will be turned away from Heaven.

The album closes with Tosspa & Tosspa's Twin a real hoedown of a tune that in many ways sounds like an indictment of the current state of Americas politics, through a cipher or three to help dance the pain of our times away.

Find out more https://slimcessnasautoclub.myshopify.com/collections/scac/products/copy-of-always-say-please-and-thank-you https://www.facebook.com/slimcessnasautoclub

  author: simonovitch

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