- Label: 'Property Of The Lost Records'
- Genre: 'Thrash Metal'
- Release Date: '21.6.24.'
Our Rating:
Wytch Pycknyck are a stoner rawk four piece from the metal hearthlands of Hastings, ready to do battle manning the musical barricades are Malt Jones, Bonj, Ewan Fitzgerald and Sam Davies they recorded their debut album at The Forum studios in Royal Tunbridge Wells.
The album erupts with Rawkuss a full-on Psycho stoner rawk epic and recent single, seeing them wanting to party with the animals in the zoo, not sure if they are in the bug house or the lions den though, this seeks to pulverize your brain with super heavy guitars, pummel your brain drumming and shrieked vocals.
Creepin' Jesus opens like they are mainlining Suicidal Tendencies riffs, mutating them into a psychosis inducing brain melter, to mosh your home to destruction too, play this at the wall collapsing volumes it demands.
Magikal Revenge opens as if they are sitting in a prayer circle seeking enlightenment, their lord and master Magician/druid mixes up the potions or is it rolls a huge one, distressed guitars start lighting white sage fires, burning pools of patchouli light up the incandescent guitar runs storming through the circle.
Gravity Lies has low intoned narration about secret service exploration of beings from other planets, interdimensional slow stoner rock with a black Sabbath drawled vocal over a lowest of low slung basslines eventually morphing into Architects style prog doom colossus.
Fire Breathing Dragon has rap sung sometimes screamed vocals obliterating guitar squalls, messianic drumming that breaks down to a single synth line slowly builds like the fire is getting ready to engulf everything in its path, like a south coast At The Drive In on Mescaline and Absinthe cocktails washed down with regular bong hits in time to the screams of fire fire fire.
The bands debut single Columbo No 5 stumbles across the room with shrill runs, questioning vocals that aren't fooling nobody, oh no they love to have voices rolling round the room, you wanna join in, even if you're only trying to keep up on air guitar.
The album closes with Frostbite an angry almost Streets style rap, angry at a world that's turned upside down, hanging out at 80's cheap clothes legends Dickie Dirts, surely they are too young to have shopped in that former music venue in Victoria, it gets heavier in a Boo Ya Tribe meets Sonic noise pollution all the lies are unveiled, don't be fooled again buy this album and believe.
Find out more at https://propertyofthelost.limitedrun.com/products/793601-wytch-pycknyck-debut-album https://www.facebook.com/wytchpycknyck https://wytchpycknyck.bandcamp.com/album/wytch-pycknyck