Confusingly, despite the UK their name ‘Sparkle*Jets UK’ hail from Orange County, California.
The band specialise in reviving the summery mood of 1960s/70s pop.
The album opens and closes with two cover songs: The Zombies’ This Will Be Our Year and Moby Grape’s Hey Grandma; to conjure up the spirits of Colin Blunstone and Skip Spence respectively.
Vocals are shared democratically between Susan West and Michael Simmons. West's vocal style is more ballsy and brash while Simmons errs more towards winsome whimsy.
The nostalgia element is so strong that they have the same appeal as tribute bands.
Tracks include the cheesy I Can't Wait For Summer, the corny You Complete Me and a hymn to existential living Where's the Moment.
It’s energetic and full of harmless fun but eminently forgettable
Artist page at Big Stir Records