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Review: 'A Shoreline Dream'

-  Label: 'LateNight WeekNight Records'
-  Genre: 'Indie' -  Release Date: '19.7.24.'

Our Rating:
Whitelined is the seventh album by A Shoreline Dream this time in collaboration with the albums producer Mark Gardener who mixed and produced the album in his OX4 Studios as a Collaboration with what Ryan Policky was recording in Denver before Kramer mastered it.

The album opens in a haze of spaced guitars reverb and cloaked vocals Whitelined snorted through narrow pipework, gauzy intent ignored for spaced out wastes, tripping into other realities.

Everything Turns feat. Mark Gardener allows a simple drum pattern to act as bedrock, Mark tells us he still wants to go clubbing, even if all his mates from back in the day are now way beyond going clubbing with him, this has a gauzy intensity, they hope to find the friends to go to the new party, old stomping grounds no longer exist.

Fear isn't man's best friend on this song, but oblique buried vocals, acting texturally, guitars, effects build a shield against all the horror happening around the world, filling us with fear for what may still be to come.

Falling Back To Reality takes gated drums, laced with spatially aware keyboards, bass coming down, back to some sort of normality. Time shifts, shakes, almost stammers into the new reality.

Written In Dust is the second song to feature Mark Gardener, layers of piano, synth, drums and all sorts of other stuff that Mark and Ryan hazily sing through, how much dust is there in the supposed dust free studio environment, will they ever be sure of themselves again. As someone writes their names in the dust once more.

A Spark of ambient noise in a big echo reverby room, building sustain then evaporation. A Simple Path Of Destruction is laid out through a complex full on mix, sound structures opening up that path for those who only desire destruction hells beckoning arms await you called from the torn apart rent from within words within the hurricane.

Lost Of The Words a bassline tells another dancefloor tale, between the Batcave adjacent swirl, curlicuing across the dancefloor, seeking a conversation with eyes, bodies circling towards ecstatic embrace, always perceive the passion of lovers, parting back to other realms.

The Dream disclosed woven within the weft of desalinated beats, extrusions stretched messages guiding echoes of going away from this way, floating off.

The album closes with Hollow Crown the final song with Mark Gardener, the twin vocals in harmony yet weaving around each other as the music revolves, spins through the vortex, try to accept reality in this world, we currently live in, needing a few revolutions to become the reality we would like to live, get rid of the wearers of the Hollow Crowns and listen to more A Shoreline Dream records.

Find out more at https://www.ashorelinedream.com/index_whitelined.html https://ashorelinedream.bandcamp.com/album/whitelined https://latenight-weeknight-records.myshopify.com/products/whitelined-limited-edition-180g-vinyl

  author: simonovitch

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