Paul Callan makes music in a one-room cabin in the woods of Ireland's North East coast which he converted into a small recording studio in 2020.
There’s a solitary soulfulness of this his third full-length album although the exclamation mark in the album’s title speaks to celebration rather than despondency.
The opening track - Falling Again - contains little more than the line “Falling in love again” This repeated amorous affirmation may account for the fact that this 10-song cycle is significantly less bleak than the three tunes on Callan’s Dog EP which I reviewed in 2022.
The Civil War is a nod towards Zuma period Neil Young. The upbeat Want It Bad is a conscious attempt to shatter the album’s melancholy tone although this mood immediately kicks in again with the following song All Day.
Some unleashed punk energy which fires up Trick Shot is uncharacteristically forceful and feels a little out of place here.
For the most part it is the quiet intimacy of this charming record which makes it so appealing.
Album link on Bandcamp