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Review: 'Sleepersound'
'My Own Dead Love'   

-  Label: 'Bandcamp/Deezer/I-tunes'
-  Genre: 'Post-Rock' -  Release Date: '14.3.25.'

Our Rating:
My Own Dead Love is the latest album by Milwaukee based Post-rock band Sleepersound who started these recordings as a four piece and ended it as a trio, the core of the band are Dave D'Antonio, Mike Campise, Dan Niedziejko and Kenny Buesing who is on most of the record.

The album opens with the very gentle Let's Play Wolves that has soft focus vocals and neo-classical guitar, they try to find everything they need to survive in times as tough as these.

Tread Down is semi-ethereal shoegaze guitars, with angelic vocals deep in the mix, while they try to stop all that bile from rising with this rather pretty tune, that builds and adds layers of intricate guitar.

Certain Beasts in times like these are easy to bring to mind, the question is how do we deal with and slay such monumental opponents, who scare the living daylights out of you, the music is as far from scary as it comes, they build crescendos, huge walls of sustained intensity with the slow careful vocals looking for a solution to this mess.

Ni Siquiera Tu no not even you are able to get them out of the funk they are in, everything collapses around them, this is downbeat, stripped back and atmospheric.

Embers are all that is left of the world we once knew, everything has been burned to the ground, this could almost be an elegy to California or Gaza, slow supplications to start over and find a new way forwards, pulsing insistent riffs, the vocals are more distinct.

Falling Dream of a time when things weren't so rotten as now, past lives were better than this, organ summoning earlier instruments, wanting to find refuge in some other place than this, wanting to wake up in that past realm, just stop us from falling any further.

Soma takes them deep into Her Name Is Calla territory, this slowly evolves building perceptibly, dissolving waves of supple somnambulant sounds, epic waves peaks.

The Flesh is striped to the very core bones, a Thom Yorke style slow vocal full of passion and pain love and distrust.

The album closes with Living Ancestor that has an almost Helden style organ part, that everything revolves off from, supple walls of sound, this is a message to his oldest Living Ancestor, making sure to keep the connection alive as long as possible, we all need to tend our roots every once in a while.

Find out more at https://www.sleepersound.com/ https://www.facebook.com/sleepersound/ https://sleepersound.bandcamp.com/album/my-own-dead-love

  author: simonovitch

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