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Review: 'Josephine Sincere'

-  Label: 'Kixx Records'
-  Genre: 'Rock' -  Release Date: '2006'-  Catalogue No: 'KRAJSCD4'

Our Rating:
They say that pop music is the world of the young, but you don't expect greatness from an 18-year-old. At that age, Josephine Sincere (http://www.kixxrecords.com) has managed to record an album that other vocalists twice as old have merely dreamed of. In the piles of CDs that I receive every month, there are about twenty that I would consider worthy of review; the rest is rubbish. Among the chosen ones, rarely does an LP reach the emotional, creative, and professional heights that Josephine Sincere's "Wildflower" does.

Let's begin with the voice. Expecting a run-of-the-mill R&B teen singer, I was floored once I heard Sincere's vocals. There are priceless qualities in her voice; it projects love, self-confidence, vulnerability, warmth, and sensuality. Furthermore, there is a spiritual feel to her singing, something one would expect from a Gospel singer and not a future MTV star.
I'll say it now: You're going to hear from Sincere a lot and are blessed for it.

The slow, soulful "You" is a midnight snack for lovers; her vocals heat the skin. Sincere is no "American Idol" wanna-be, faking emotions and tossing cliches; she is the real deal, 100% with no artificial sweeteners. The lovely "Jezebel" continues the evening seduction as gorgeous piano assists in the caressing of our ears.

On "Tell Me," Sincere echoes the icy fragility of Sade; the jazzy music provides the perfect backdrop. By the time you reach "Snowflakes," it feels like you're in a smoky club; the throbbing bass lines only add to the film noir atmosphere.

From pop to R&B to jazz to hip-hop, Sincere juggles a number of genres throughout this generous 20-track masterpiece. And she scores a home run every time, without fail. The songwriting and the performances are completely top-notch with slick, glossy production you hardly ever hear on independent releases.

"Wildflower" is stunningly, remarkably beautiful.
  author: Adam Harrington

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READERS COMMENTS    8 comments still available (max 10)    [Click here to add your own comments]

I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! It is so refreshing to see a good review of a CD that I think so absolutely deserves it. I LOVE this CD, and it's great to see that it is getting some attention, because - compared to today's cheap, watered-down "R&B" (if you can call it that) - it is miles ahead. Songs like "You," "Jezebel," "Snowflakes, " "I Like It," and "Still Feels Good" (to name a few) are stunning, and this young Lady's singing is so "believable" and honest. Your review could have been written by me, because you wrote what I was thinking!
------------- Author: Monie-g   01 March 2006

Adam's comments about this young lady's CD are completely understandable. I bought her CD recently and it is simply outstanding from track 1 through 20! She sings with a maturity that you just don't hear anymore from young singers. And she CAN sing - that's not a given for many young R&B singers these days. The music and orchestration are gorgeous, the lyrics are substantive, and the production is top-notch. Living here in Philly, I know about Josephine Sincere because she's all the buzz right now, and she deserves it! Do yourself a favor...shortened comments
------------- Author: t_mar   04 March 2006

Josephine Sincere - Wildflower