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-  Genre: 'Pop' -  Release Date: 'Available from September 2006'

Our Rating:
The 8 tracks here provide a superb introduction to the distinctive and eccentric sound of STEPHEN EVANS & THE PLANETS. From the spiralling psychedelia of ‘Falling’, a damning rant against the ravages of excessive cocaine use, these crystal clear songs retain a slightly progressive feel that screams pure Pop from the word ‘Go’. Or should that be ‘Ready, Steady, Go!’?

Theirs is an oddball perspective set to a compulsive soundtrack. Carefully crafted slices of indie-pop with a sometimes progressive feel, these songs hit the spot every time, whether delicate or demented.

Evans possesses enough vocal clarity to slice emphatically through their ‘ordinary’ subject matter with distinction. The driven-half crazy insanity of ‘Little Flies’ becomes an extension of the music as it blends in suddenly with the jangling melody before reverting back to a state of caustic angst that sticks out like a sore thumb.

‘Lucy Leaves’ is another tune that drips with the sound of the 6T’s as it follows the strong jaunt of its rolling psychedelic melody on an introspective whistle-stop tour around the contents of Stephen’s head. Interestingly, both songs seem to get their spark from a degree of self-reflexivity, as the songwriting process is name-checked in the lyrical content.

‘The Drunk Song’ continues this wildly catchy hook-based ethic with words that fit the classic melody like a glove (“We’ll be singing the blues ‘til the sun starts to shine”), before the simple descent into that “Laaa doo dah dah dah dahhh dah” refrain that bounces off the thumping 4/4 grind of the rhythm section. It’ll make you smile or hook you in, one of the two. I simply can’t hear any other option.

‘Dirty Girl’ is the epitome. We hear an irresistible bass grind skittered with cute 1/16ths on the high-hat, encasing a melodic guitar loop; the whole effect is underscored by a vocal power that yowls and screams in a blend of pain and blatant rock posturing. I’d say that this was the song that encapsulated everything that made Stephen Evans & The Planets such compulsive listening – with the skank dragged wayward by the ‘raised eyebrow’ jive of the backing vocals in 50’s pastiche adding a sense of fun to the everyday routine.

As far as the recording/sound engineering process goes, suffice to say that all four members of the group met during their final year as sound engineering undergrads at Salford University – much of the sessions you enjoy here were the result of their final studies, and two of the four were awarded first class degrees upon graduation this summer. They won’t thank me for mentioning that - but though it could be a deceptive summary of music that is addictively simplistic, I think it still stands as an accurate yardstick when measuring this collection’s extraordinary charm..

Sometimes sharp, always tuneful, there is a near-perfect blend of humour and sincerity at work that makes these demos hard to ignore.

Stephen Evans & The Planets have a mailing list! You can also obtain the demos by taking the much-favoured option of catching the band in action, then purchasing a copy after the show. Whichever option you prefer, these songs are more than worth a listen!

  author: Mabs

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